SMU Gravical 2014 – Singapore Children’s Society (SCS)

Home » SMU Gravical 2014 – Singapore Children’s Society (SCS)

doob was invited to lend a hand to SMU Gravical 2014, an annual bouldering competition organised by the Singapore Management University Climb Team. As part of Gravical 2014, a Space Race category was created to raise funds for the Singapore Children’s Society (SCS), and all proceeds go towards this cause. doob chipped in by providing prizes for this category, as well as donating bean bags to the SCS with every milestone of funds raised during this competition.

SCS protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. In 2013, the Society reached out to about 72,000 children, youth and families in need. SCS currently operates 10 service centres islandwide, offering services in the six categories of: Caregiving, Community, Developmental, Preventive, Public Education and Remedial. For more information, do visit

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